CBBC Friday Upload!

It’s not every day that we get an invitation from CBBC’s Friday Download team to have a go at creating our tribute to a music video and uploading our film clips to the show! Primary Seven pupils began planning their response today to this fantastic creativity challenge and it was wonderful to hear so many great ideas and see such motivation, co-operation and team work. We begin filming tomorrow! There is a chance that some of our clips might be used in the TV programme and even if they do not get selected, Primary Seven are having great fun, and learning loads about using their iPads.

We will try to recreate sections from the Children in Need video “God Only Knows”, produced by BBC Music, and will film members of the Sciennes Orchestra on Monday. Parental permission requests specific to this event, for those pupils who have not completed the Media section of our EE2s, will be sent out on Friday.

Grateful thanks to Researcher Jenny Garton for this lovely opportunity for the children. 

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